Sunt eu, Annabel

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Ajunsa in casa copilariei, isi descopera jurnalul pe care l-a tinut pana la adolescenta. Annabel este o fetita ca oricare alta, dintr-o familie ca oricare alta, disfunctionala precum majoritatea, care prin imaginatia sa incearca sa treaca peste certurile parintilor, crescand si ajungand fata in fata cu tentatiile adolescentei. Papusi in marime naturala, intr-un spectacol Lightwave Theatre destinat publicului adult.

Distributia: Cristina-Andreea Ion, Petru Stratulat, Alexandra Mirescu / Oana Cercel, Dragos Stanciu

Text: Iulian Tanase
Voce text: Constantin Cotimanis & Cristina-Andreea Ion

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Constantin Cotimanis

Constantin Cotimanis

Dupa ce ne-a oferit Butonul Auriu la Romanii au Talent in 2015, a acceptat propunerea noastra de a interpreta vocea unui personaj cheie din povestea pe care ne-am imaginat-o: Domnul Timp. Este o onoare pentru noi sa beneficiem inca o data de increderea unui artist precum Constantin “Bebe” Cotimanis.

iulian tanase

Iulian Tanase

Povestea lui Annabel nu ar fi putut fi atat de impresionanta fara contributia poetului Iulian Tanase, care a scris textul intregului spectacol. A subliniat intr-un mod impresionant trasaturile personajelor si luptele lor interioare printr-o impletire surprinzatoare a ideilor, ce, prin vocile Cristinei Ion (Annabel) si a lui Bebe Cotimanis (Domnul Timp), te va purta pe umerii inocentei, in bratele curiozitatii adolescentine si in palmele intelepciunii maturitatii.

Their special way of expression, because it’s not coming from the outside but coming from the inside to show us a world full of enigmas where not everything unfolds. Their art, unlike other puppet theatres, targets the understanding of the adult audience.Constantin Cotimanis, actor

“Last night I took my parents to Bacovia Theatre to see “It’s me, Annabel”. We just sat down on our reserved seats when I asked my father:
– Have you ever been to the theatre?
– No, and not even to the circus.
My father is 73 years old and last night it was his first theatre experience. It’s ok, considering many others will never go to a play. At the end of the performance he told me he watched it with tears in his eyes. My mother cried from the very begining. She told me after it ended:
– You went through all this you wrote about.
Mothers just know. They always know.”Iulian Tanase, writer and author of the text

They always have new elements and are constantly surprising me. When I think they reached their peak they always manage to come with something better. Pure emotion.Madalina Dorobantu, actor

These guys will touch your soul in ways you would not have believed possible before. At first it looks like they are just playing. In reality they are playing with your heart and make it dream up a better world. Keep it up guys!Raul Man

Great Entertainment, Greater People, Greatest Emotion Generator!Brigitta Szebenyi, singer

Great storytellers that transport the audience to a universe where the puppets are alive and vivid and capable of expressing so much emotion. I highly recommend taking this soul-stirring journey with them.Corina Constantinescu, architect

Incredible! Their performances are emotional and worth seeing. You can feel their effort in producing such stunning shows.Traian Mihalache, architect

“It’s me, Annabel” is like an epic journey in a world of innocence. Through puppetry it woke up a nostalgic feeling of a distant childhood inside me but also it brought me in the middle of actual problems of society which bother us all. It has been a lesson for me as a parent. I will recommend the experience of puppet theatre for adults.Ciprian Paduraru, CEO